Working With The Gravitational Pull Of Life

Downhill skiing reveals the pull of  gravity that many other activities don’t.  When you are at the top of the mountain and point your skis downhill, gravity takes over. It’s an exhilarating experience and sometimes frightening, but I’m learning that if I work with gravity by adjusting my weight and skis I can make my […]

6 Questions to Ask When Making Hard Decisions

Do you have a hard decision to make? Life is filled with circumstances where we need or are forced to make hard decisions.  The reason these decisions are difficult is that there is not always a clear way forward and we are filled with anxiety about making the wrong choice. In my life and in […]

Do Our Failures Define Us or Inform Us?

Relationship failures. Business failures. Career failures.  Been there and done that. What about failures in parenting? Failed partnerships? Vocation or educational failures? There are too many failures to mention, but we all know we have failed somewhere in our lives. The question I have for you (and for myself) is do your failures define you?  […]

What’s an Appropriate Amount of Time to Be Angry?

  I was working with a woman who was frustrated in her job search.  She had been laid off from her job the year before and was still struggling to land another role and build her career. Her biggest obstacle was in interviewing. In one of our coaching sessions she said, ” I get into […]

We All Need Compassion…From Ourselves

I believe that a universal experience in life is that we are often extremely hard on ourselves.  We criticize ourselves for our failures and shortcomings, we devalue our strengths and contributions, and we tear at the fabric of our very being with anger and sometimes hatred.  We don’t always see this in others because this […]

Drive By Wisdom: Letting Go of the Outcome

In this Episode of Drive By Wisdom we’ll look at how letting go of the outcome can help you achieve your goals with less stress and more engagement. Play the short video below.